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Project S.E.T.A. Search for Extra Terrestrial Audiences - Update

 After a setback in my personal life and health, I have returned to completing programming for SETA, with new station identifiers and new tracks being added to the rotation. I plan to post tracks on Bandcamp and Soundcloud as well. For those new to the site and the concepts behind SETA, the best way to understand my goal is to relate it to a sonic installation. If I could have a physically located installation for this, OR, if I could have a traditional broadcast radio station, I would be using those formats to achieve the same goals. I create sonic experiences that take listeners to unexpected places. The inherent qualities of the sounds I create have a very different forward momentum from music made with some unusual sounds but within a genre that can easily be identified. As such, in a sense, I've had to create a new genre to develop the sounds into what they can become. My instinct and now decades of experience doing this are my only guides.  It may help listeners to know that

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Project: S.E.T.A.